Helping You With Decisions About Child Visitation & Parenting Plans
Divorce or separation can be challenging and difficult, especially for parents. Your child is undoubtedly very important to you. When two parents get a divorce, a child visitation agreements, also referred to as a "parenting plan," must be submitted to the courts. It is very important to follow the guidelines to the visitation agreement, a violation of a plan can be grounds for reevaluation or modification of custody.
As a parent, you deserve to spend quality, meaningful time with your children and participate in their upbringing. Absent special circumstances, your separation from the other parent does not have to curtail your involvement in your children's lives.
At Mesaros Law Office, we provide legal strategies which take both your rights as a parent and the best interest of your child into account. Our law office has received the Distinguished Domestic Relations Attorney Award by the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court.
Child Visitation
It is almost always in the best interest of your child to have a nurturing relationship with both parents. We encourage parents to find a way to give their child the benefit of spending valuable time with both parents. We will work with you to help collaborate on a mutually agreeable visitation schedule. We will also work with a parent who feels his or her rights have been unfairly denied or curtailed. There will also be situations where unsupervised or unrestricted visitation is NOT in a child's best interest and we can assist in these cases as well.
Parenting Plans
Children generally benefit from maintaining solid relationships with both parents following divorce or separation. In a shared parenting arrangement, both parents spend time with the children as their residential parents, and both serve as their legal custodians. However, shared parenting does not necessarily mean a 50-50 split in the amount of time the children spend with each parent.
To make shared parenting work, both parties must be willing to cooperate as co-parents, especially when it comes to major decisions. They must be able to communicate regularly about the children's needs. If cooperation and communication are not possible, the court may grant one parent (the residential parent) primary physical placement and decision-making authority.
Modification of Visitation and Parenting Plans
Either parent may wish to change or modify a visitation order or a parenting plan. Since there are a number of reason why an order can be changed a consultation to discuss your particulate circumstances is advised. We will help guide you though the Dayton area court system.
Custody And Visitation For Military Personnel
Child custody is often the most important aspect of a divorce or dissolution — and one that many people understandably fret over. For military families, determining parental rights and responsibilities can involve special considerations. The demands of membership in the armed forces often require greater flexibility in custody arrangements. Determining a workable arrangement, pursuing or opposing relocations and adapting to a frequently changing lifestyle can all pose lasting challenges.
How Can a Skilled Attorney Help?
In any child visitation case, the ideal outcome is often the one reached by the parents themselves, not an arrangement imposed by the court. However, achieving a workable arrangement typically involves a complex give-and-take.
At the Mesaros Law Office, we represent clients in all aspects of custody proceedings. As skilled negotiators, our attorneys strive to develop creative and cost-effective out-of-court resolutions wherever possible. However, we are also well-equipped to protect our clients' rights in contentious litigation if needed. Our goal is to partner with clients, providing the knowledge and legal analysis you need to make informed decisions.
If you are seeking a visitation right or parenting plans or modification court order visitation parenting plan in the Dayton area or have been served papers, Mesaros Law office is here for you. The attorneys at our law firm are compassionate and understanding while simultaneously unrelenting and effective. We seek the best resolution for our clients and always try to arrive at that resolution as amicably as possible. Contact a Dayton divorce lawyer at our law firm today to discuss your visitation right issues or parenting plans and modification to court order visitation parenting plan.